Choose your workout
get results in
30 minutes a day

Choose your workout and get results in 30 minutes a day
Let's workout together.
You can start at any level.
- See immediate results in 30 minutes a day
- 5 - 30 minute workouts added every week
- Access to all of Rachel’s content, including all her signature most effective programs, and treadmill runs
- Direct video access to Rachel + the Rachel Fitness community every month

Let's workout together.
You can start at any level.
- See immediate results in 30 minutes a day
- 30 minute workouts added every week
- Access to all of Rachel’s content, including all her signature most effective programs
- Rachel’s guided treadmill runs
- Direct video access to rachel + the Rachel Fitness community twice monthly
Included in your plan
Rachel Fitness All Access
For the first time ever, Rachel is giving you all her workouts in one place with extra bonus content you have been waiting for!
Five new 30-minute workouts posted every weekday.
Extra workouts, including Rachel’s most effective quick-burn workouts.
One Zoom meet-up a month with Rachel and the community to connect.
Guided treadmill runs
It's free to try for 7 days.

In order to be prepared for every workout on this platform, below is a list of equipment needed for your best results! Remember, you can go up or down from the weighted suggestions, but below are the guidelines. The exact bands used in Rachel's workouts can be purchased here.
Mini band
Resistance band with handles
Set of medium weights
Women: 8, 10, 12lbs+
Men: 15, 20, 25lbs+
Set of heavy weights
Women: 12, 15 or 20lbs+
Men: 25, 30, 35lbs+

I am Rachel.
A free soul, Rachel was born in New York City and spent her early childhood living with her mother Jamie Robinson in the infamous Chelsea Hotel. She grew up surrounded by artists and creative types, her life with her mother Jamie was always full of adventure; the two are incredibly bonded.
When Rachel was five, the pair moved to Miami Beach where her mother was born. Rachel knew she loved the sun and the warmth Miami offered.
While in Miami, athletics came naturally to Rachel, and she excelled in sports, receiving scholarships to play volleyball, softball, and basketball. Sports, a fit lifestyle, and strong work ethic have always been part of her core.
Rachel’s approach to fitness is not only about changing the body, but really changing the way you feel inside. She focuses more on a feeling and sense of accomplishment – rather than on the body, even though that of course follows when people commit to a healthier lifestyle.
Rachel Fitness Lifestyle includes LIVE workouts on Instagram and video tutorials which will have exclusive workouts that instruct technique and form. On this platform, you are going to find the tools you need to motivate and change your life and body.
You can find Rachel now living in Miami with her wife Natalie Gee and their three beautiful children Jesse, Jack, and Ari. Rachel spends her days committed to her family and career. Rachel is also dedicated to Jamie’s Rescue, a 501c3 non-profit dog rescue founded by her mother, where the two women have helped rescue and place rescue dogs with thousands of families in Florida for over 15 years.
On the daily you can see Rachel LIVE and in video at rachelfitness.com, or at Barry's where she teaches several classes per week at two of the Miami locations.

I love the energy and vibe that Rachel brings to every LIVE workout. Her down to earth outlook on exercise, her humour and “real life” workouts (sometimes with her kids running around in the background) taught me that being active didn’t have to be hard.

I’ve been doing Rachel Fitness workouts for over a year since our gyms were closed during lockdown. Her workouts are the best! In just 30 minutes, you get a very effective workout, have fun, and get inspired to keep going. Her energy is contagious and there’s so much variety in the workouts.

I have been working out with Rachel for years so, when the pandemic happened, it was awesome that she immediately started Rachel Fitness. The daily workouts have gotten me into the best shape of my life and the #rachelheads community has become like a second family.

I was hooked and not just on the work out but hooked on Rachel. Her energy, her passion for what she does, and the commitment she makes to this community. The connection is real with her and this like-minded community.

Rachel's workouts are fun, fast and effective. There is nobody better to get you motivated about fitness than Rachel. Thank you Rachel for showing up EVERY day with so much energy and making each workout even better than the last!

I love doing Rachel Fitness! It’s simple yet effective, and you can get a great workout in 30 minutes with simple equipment you have at home. I’m busy so getting to a gym or a class consistently can be a challenge, but, with this 30-minute time commitment, there are no excuses.
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